Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Fire Engine Red. . .

Upon arrival at Clark Air Base, as part of the in-processing of NUGs (New Guys), we were put on an Army bus and taken around Clark Base and in a few of the places we had to get out and go into a room for an in briefing.  This is the base hospital. . the is the base Library. . .this is the base movie theater. .  When we arrived at the base fire house, we were put into a classroom and explained the basic ways to extinguish fires. The main fire engine was left over from WWII.  We were told that even though it was old, it still got the job done.  Not only was it for fires on base, but they had a partnership with the fire company off base in Angeles City.  The truck would go through the main gate and go the aid of the local fire department.  We were told that a brand new fire engine was on its way to Clark from stateside, (Land of the Big Base Exchange, as it was called.)  The fire chief was an American and the fire fighters were foreign nationals.

After about six months in country, the new, bright red fire engine arrived from stateside.  It had only been in country for only 4 days when it was put to the test.  There was a big fire off base and it left to help.  It was never seen again, in one piece, that is.  After it did not come back to base after the fire was out, the Air Police went to the fire house to investigate.  This is the rest of the story as Paul Harvey would say.

At about 1000 hours local time, a big two house fire was reported off base.  Unknown to everyone, ten local thieves with falsified documentation came on base and went to the fire house.  Once there, they pulled guns and tied up everyone there.  they then put on the clothes of the firemen, and when the alarm was sounded, jumped into the new truck, put on the flashing lights and siren and proceeded to the Main Gate.  Unknown to the APs at the gate, they, in all innocence waved the truck through.  It was not taken to the fire, but to some unknown location and dismantled.  They used the bright red fenders and side panels for decorations on the local Jeepneys.  We would see a jeepney  with bright red and say, "There goes part of the new fire engine."

1 comment:

  1. Cute Dad! Love the pic! Love ya and miss you and Mom bunches!
