Saturday, December 22, 2012

Back home again.

This blog will take a departure from my normal blog as I have not posted in a while and I want to tell everyone why this is so.

Thursday a week ago, I had an accidental fall at my house.  I was carrying a bowl of brown sugar mixed with mustard that I was going to use as a glaze for ham that I was going to cook.  When I started to fall, I dropped the bowl to the tile floor and it broke into a million pieces.  I then fell down on the tile and my right knee hit first with me finishing the fall on the hand and right arm into the broken glass.  I am taking blood thinner so when I saw all the blood on my right arm and hand, I called 911.  Well the first EMT personnel showed up five minutes later and stopped the bleeding.  They then took me to the ER at the local hospital.

At the ER they put about 10 stitches in my arm, cleaned up my knee, and sent me home.  I had had a bad experience with this hospital before and I was not going to take the chance that something like that would happen again.  I went to the ER at the VA hospital in Tucson Saturday morning.  They said the arm looked okay but I was getting some swelling on my knee.  They took three x-rays of my knee, which made a total of about 7 with the ones taken at the hospital in Sierra Vista.  No broken bones and no broken glass in it either.  So they bandaged me up and sent me home.

Wednesday morning I got up and my knee and leg was swollen where I could not get around very good.  So, back to Tucson.  I set in the ER from 3:00 pm until about 10:00 pm before the doctors could look at me.  One look and they admitted me into the hospital.  More x-rays, no broken bones, no infection showing up in the knee joint, etc.  Just a bad bruise up front.  They started giving me antibiotics through an IV and I was resting up.  Yesterday afternoon (Friday) they took out the 10 stitches in my arm, gave me some antibiotic pills to take, some pain killers, etc.  I was discharged yesterday afternoon and Mila came and picked me up.  I arrived back home at about 4:00 pm yesterday.  It is sure nice to be back home again.

It's a new dawn, it's a new day, it's a new life . . . Well my friends, till I get to felling better and the next blog, the Lord be with you. Have a blessed season and a Happy New Year.  God bless.

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